
If you're the kind of person who says, 'Ooh, hey, can I see your sketchbook?', then these will not be new to you.

---- Random First Quarter Sketches ----

Chelsea (1) in a Sweatshirt-thing
Scary red-haired canadian girl who kept trying to go to sleep in class.

Chelsea (1) on a different day
Same girl, doesn't look anything like her, but came out really well.

Monique (2) reading a book
One of the very few pictures I've drawn with even a hint of a hand.
She was wearing a humorously fuzzy shirt.

Monique (2) breaking the dress code
I not only didn't finish it, I barely tried at all.

The only picture of a guy you'll ever see.
He inspired a character in my comic,
with his well thought out and intelligent questions.

The Frog
You know how some people feel the need to put little stars and happy faces
and things all over your tests when they check it for you?
I put a little sad frog by your score.

A ball
A... ball.

My hand, holding a piece of paper
It came out kind of dark and smudgy when I scanned it, but it's a pretty good drawing.
One of the few I actually bothered to finish.

A bunch of flags
I was feeling patriotic or something.

Chelsea (2) taking a test
I just noticed I totally forgot her shoes. Oh well, I'm saying it's finished anyway.
It looks really good on paper... Really...

---- Summer School Sketches ----

Monique (1) in her desk
Monique (1) on the floor
Monique's (1) chest
Amanda on the floor
Vanessa on her desk
Sarah slouching in her desk
Ms. Ackerman on a desk
A... torso

Back to the Comic

*The 'Art' title picture is a cropped portion of a doodle I did that was a single continuous line covering an
entire sheet of paper, which I then scanned in and colorized. Can you say... free time?